EGYPT エジプト
誰一人知り合いのいないエジプト… 体調を崩したり、宗教の戒律も体感したり、イスラム教の女性と深い会話ができたり… 様々な体験をしてきました。 そして、現地で出会った人々は、若い世界の先駆者達でした。 2月22日は現地エジプト人のAhmedが見つけてくれたモハメドアリモスクの見えるAlazhar公園でお祈りする事ができました。 祈りの後に感じたのは「長い宗教の導きと終焉に感謝し、祝福してください」とのメッセージでした。
“I want to dance in Egypt on Feburary 22, 2016” I had this intuition and left for a trip to pray all by myself. However, I don’t know anybody in Egypt… I experienced many things, like getting sick, sensing the commandments of religion, having a deep conversation with an Islamic woman…. And the people I met there were pioneers of the early world. Ahmed, a local Egyptian, found a park where we can see the Mohamed Ali Mosque called Alazhar Park, and I was able to offer a dance on Feburary 22. “Appreciate the long guidance and the end of religion” was the message I recieved after the prayer. I would like to give thanks to Per from Norway, Ahmed from Egypt, amd all the Japanese and people from all over the world for the support and praying together with me. Also, thank you to Sara from Egypt, for teaching me how to protect myself and for teaching me about Islamic women, to Jue from Buenos Aires, who danced together at the sharehouse, to Cuckoolxb from China… I wish to graditute with deep respect. Thank you so much for all the wonderful encounters and to the land of Egypt.
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I became friends with beautiful land, and met people with heartwarming souls.
"We are all one", that is what I felt as we all danced, prayed, laughed together, and it has already been 23 countries.
I will keep traveling all over the world to give a prayer of gratitude.