プレイヤーの私としては、決まった時からどこで祈るんだろうと考えていました。 それがはっきりしたのはカナダのセレモニーで、ご一緒出来た玲名ちゃんにボルネオの海の写真を見せてもらった時。 「海の中でお祈りさせて頂きたい」と直感が閃きました。 昨日はマンタナニ島に向かうバスの中で 「ママー! SUN DANCEだってー」 「あっ、日本料理 長崎だって〜」 と次女。 「えぇっ…昨日ママ、サンダンスと長崎の祈りを繋げたいってポストしたばかりなんだよ」 と、私。 自分で選んだ旅じゃなかったけれど、思いが現実に現れて驚きました(*_*) 昨日は友人のみちちゃんからの祈り合わせとシンクロして、日本時間のPM3:11からマンタナニ島の海の中で祈り合わせをさせて頂きました。 微力ながらも自分のやりたい事、信じる事をこれからも選んで生きたいと思います✨全てのご存在に心より感謝です… ……
My daughters have chosen Borneo Island as our next vacation. As a player, I had been wondering where to give a prayer since it was decided. It was in a ceremony in Canada when I got the answer. Reina showed me a picture of the ocean of Borneo and my instinct told me “Go there and give a prayer”. On the way to Mantanani Island on the bus, my daughter said “Hey mom, it says Sundance!” and “Oh look! It says Japanese cuisine Nagasaki”. I was so surprised. “I just posted yesterday saying I want to connect Sundance and Nagasaki with a prayer…”. This was not a trip I had chosen to go, but it was such a surprise to see it was connected. Yesterday, I danced in the middle of the ocean in Mantanani Island at same time with Michi my friend at 3:11 Japan time. I will keep doing what I want and believe in myself. I feel so much gratitude toward every existence…. And one more thing… I’m having such an amazing time with my daughters!! What a beautiful world it is!!
巡礼の旅ブログTRIP BLOG
I became friends with beautiful land, and met people with heartwarming souls.
"We are all one", that is what I felt as we all danced, prayed, laughed together, and it has already been 23 countries.
I will keep traveling all over the world to give a prayer of gratitude.