
なんて素晴らしいんでしょう… なんて命の距離が短い場所なんでしょう!人も、自然も、地球も、宇宙も、直ぐに友達になれる場所。なんて、生命エネルギーの高い場所なんでしょう✨ みんな生き生きしています。生きる智慧と、強さと優しさがみなぎっています。大自然や未知の存在を敬い、祈りの中に人々の生活があります。水道や冷蔵庫のない生活は、地球に対してエコであり、人々は直ぐに仕事を創り、分かち合いや、生活の意欲に溢れています。 今回はアフリカのトーゴとガーナの2カ国を訪問させて頂きました。

2月22日の陰陽の日。この日はガーナ人なら誰もが敬愛する、トラディショナル楽器トンリコー奏者、Atongo Zinbaさんとの祈りのセッションをさせて頂きました。トーゴのJESUS MISECORDIEU小学校を訪問して、愛と平和のお話。そして、子ども達や先生と笑顔の「あわのうた」ダンスタイム! 突然にもかかわらず参加させて頂いたトラディショナルセレモニー。ドラムの演奏に合わせてアフリカンダンスを教えて頂きました。

教会の聖歌隊の素晴らしい練習に参加して、翌日はミサにも参加させて頂きました。 AVE族のチーフにお会いして、御神酒と舞をご奉納させて頂きました。AVE族の皆様には神聖な祈りのダンスや歌も教えて頂きました。 そして、ホームスティ先のAYOKOファミリーには大変、大変お世話になりました。ファピピ、アピ、デディ、チャリティー、カニビ…私のトーゴの家族です。KPOGANの地域の皆様にも大変温かく迎えて頂きました!

トーゴ大使館の通称、愛のトーゴ大使ジュルスさんには、この巡礼の旅を大きくサポートして頂きました。本当に有難い学びを沢山頂きました。トーゴの子ども達の、世界を知りたい、自ら創りたい、学びたいと言う純粋な波動の高い気持ち。アフリカの、どんな人でも差別なく、笑顔で受け入れてくださる深く温かいお心が、少しでもお友達皆様に伝われば幸せです。国や文化が違うからこそ、敬意を持って分かち合える。 学び合える。 高め合える。 大きな愛を共に育む事の壮大な素晴らしさ、今のこの、魅力的な地球に生きることができて感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 尊敬するアフリカの皆様、偉大なるアフリカの大地に、宇宙に、心より感謝申し上げます。


Oh Africa. Africa, Africa…. How wonderful it is. How close it is to life! It is a place where people, nature, earth, universe can all become friends immediately. What a place with such high life energy. Everyone there were so full of life. It was full of power, kindness and wisdom to live. They respected mother nature and the unknown existance, and their lives were in the prayer. The people there were very eco-friendly, understanding, and were full of enthusiasm to life despite the fact they did not have water supply nor refrigerators. This time I visited Togo and Ghana. 2/22, the day of Ying and yang. I had the oppertunity to have a praying session with Atongo Zinba, a traditional instrument player who is respected and loved by everyone in Ghana. I visited Jesus Misecordieu Elementary school and talked about love and peace. The students and teachers all danced together with the “Awa song”. Though it was such a sudden event, they let me join the traditional ceremony. They taught me the African dance with the beat of the drums.

I participated in a choir practice at church, and also the Mass the next day. I’ve met with the cheif of the Ave tribe, and offered sake and dance to the gods. The people in the tribe has also taught me a sacred dance and prayer. Thank you so much to Ayako’s family for letting me homestay. Fafape, Kangnivi, Akpé … you are all my family in Togo. Thanks to the people in Kpogan for welcoming me. Relation Anbatogo from the Togo embassy has really helped and supported me on this trip. Thank you so much for teaching me many things. The pure, high undulation of the children, wanting to learn and trying to make more about the world. I hope that it spreads that African people has a big heart to welcome anyone with a warm smile. I think we all come together with respect and understanding because countries and culture differ. We can all learn and enhance one another. I am full of gratitude to be able to live in such a beautiful earth. From the bottom of my heart, I am most grateful for all the African people and the land of Africa. Love and peace, Asako Amrita.


"I want to feel the Earth with my barefeet when a certain time comes..." That is what I thought in 2015 when I first started going around the world to pray.
I became friends with beautiful land, and met people with heartwarming souls.
"We are all one", that is what I felt as we all danced, prayed, laughed together, and it has already been 23 countries.
I will keep traveling all over the world to give a prayer of gratitude.