What a miracle it is to be born on this planet.
How dynamic and beautiful it is to be alive and enjoy each other’s lives in this mother nature.
The journey of dance since 3 years old,
And let the universe decide my way…
These two paths have crossed each other,
and then was born the elaboration dance that connect heaven and earth.
My dance is a synchronism of the earth’s energy through this body called “ASAKO”,
and the universe energy that comes through from heaven.
My stage is born through the vibration of each and everyone’s soul that is here with me.
The miracle to just stand here now, through eternal time and space…
Vibrating with everyone’s beautiful soul that has grown through billions of years,
I will fly into the empty sky with love and gratitude.
Asako Amrita’s dance always seems to be in contact with an invisible presence. She embraces the vibrations of each and every person present, be it you or me, and sometimes glamorously, sometimes daintily, with the help of the power of the vortex and Shibuki, she shows that human beings have always been free and ever-changing. There is no script. There is only gushing passion. I think she is a person of exceptional ability who can dance in response to the requests of everyone present in an instant.
I feel that this is a relationship with spirits, Native Americans, and sometimes Samurais, who she has been in contact with during her travels around the world, and who are not visible in this world, but are spilt beings beyond time and space. She becomes a conduit between heaven and earth, bringing down heavenly energy, inspiring the earth, and guiding our hearts to a state of “Nagi.
Beyond the five human senses, there is a sixth sense.
A dancer who draws out our sixth sense with the guidance of the spirit, that, is who Asako is.
Asako Amrita。彼女の舞は、常に見えざる存在とコンタクトしながら動いているように見える。その存在とは、それを目撃する者、それはわたしであり、あなたであり、その場にいるひとりひとりの波動をすべて抱き込み、巻き起こすUZUや飛沫(Shibuki)を味方につけ、ときに艶やかに、ときに可憐に、人間はどこまでも自由で変幻自在な存在だったのだと見せつける。そこに台本はない。あるのは迸るPassionのみである。彼女は一瞬にして、その場にいるすべての者のリクエストに応えながら舞うことができる、類稀なる能力者であると思う。
スピリットの導きでわれわれの第六感を引き出す虚空舞ダンサー、それがJapanese native dancer、Asakoだ。
What a beautiful dance. What an abundant dance! Forgetting to breathe, my soul was sucked into the world of the dances, and I was transported to a dreamland I had never experienced before.
Before I knew it, even my body was melting into the world of her dance, becoming one with it. Her flexibility, each fascinating movement, and the occasional glimpse of the bewitching world, swaying in the big waves and quietly breathing in the small waves… was there ever a world like this?
Her dancing in the flower snowstorm was already a celestial maiden. A heavenly maiden was dancing before my eyes. It was not a fairy tale heavenly maiden. She was not a heavenly maiden who had descended from the heavens. It was a heavenly maiden who appeared in reality. Did such a thing really happen? Yes, it really happened. Even now, I still seem to be dreaming.
May the dream never awaken, forever and ever!
アムリッタ 朝子の舞を見ていると、まるで別の宇宙か天国から舞い降りたダンサーではないかと感じます。あらゆるものが彼女と共に調和しながら踊り、木々も大地も風も共にたゆたっているのです。彼女は命を紐解き平安に至る異なる道へと誘ってくれます。
I met Asako Amrita 2017 when she came over to stay with me here in Ghana.
She is a Dancer who dances in a Spiritual and a more enticing way.
This attracted me and I invited her over the following year to come and perform during my Album Launch which her Dance maybe my launch a mega explosion with lots of joy. She real and loves her profession.
私がアムリッタ 朝子に出会ったのは、彼女が2017年にガーナにいる私のところに来た時のことでした。彼女はスピリチュアル且つ魅力的な技法で舞うダンサーです。そのことが私を惹きつけ、翌年も私のアルバムの発売に合わせてお招きし踊りを披露していただけたことが喜びに溢れた大きな起爆剤になったと思います。彼女は本物であり、天職を愛しています。
I feel that Asako’s “mai” is evolving every day.
She’s been walking important places on the earth on her own and absorbing their energy and expressing through her whole body.
It is as if Gods dwell in her cells and swing the earth.
Motherhood of Asako with deep cosmic consciousness will be essential to everyone during the upcoming upheaval period.
I sincerely hope that Asako’s cosmic “mai” will open a peaceful world.
Asako danced on stage with my band in Ghana, West Africa.
She has a beautiful spirit and can heal the Earth with her dancing.
Asako’s “mai” was dedicated to an Ondine fountain.
She made a prayer trip in India for a month last year.
She delivered energy of the Ganges, the god of India.
When you touch the energy of Asako’s compassion,your heart will tremble and be filled with excitement. Then you will feel grateful to all life.
Thank you for dedicating wonderful “mai” to our important fountain.
I am a sculptor who seeks to recreate “the moment of wonder of a child gazing upon the stars for the first time” in the minds of the viewer by three dimensional art works based on Japanese aesthetics. My eyes, on first contact to Amrita’s mai (traditional Japanese dance), saw there a pillar of fire – suffused with a spirit of a primordial nature akin to that glimpsed in Jomon earthenware – connecting the earth and heavens; a glare of universal soul. Left I was with a lingering memory of a scent of the soil of a remote olden past.
Asako’s dance merges Earth, Wind and Sky. She glides like a feather through the air in a weightless elegance. Uniting the goddesses in celebration of Live, bringing peace and harmony to your heart.
When I saw Asako’s “mai” for the first time, I had a vision of the big sun behind her dancing. I don’t think I talked to her that day but I became very fond of her.
I’ve experienced her invocatory “mai” from time to time such as for Seoritsu-Hime, Maria Magdalene, Amma, Maria of Lourdes, Black Maria and “mai” on Easter under the state of emergency. Every time, my soul and body shiver with emotion beyond thought and words and I find myself with tears.
“Mai” of Asako is Asako itself.
Pure and straightforward, dynamic soul, eyes, heart, DNA, whole body;
resonating all together and resonating to all.
Goddess descends.
Dimension changes to where I am, here now.
I am grateful for being born and made alive on earth.
Thank you, Asako
When I saw Asako’s “mai”, I cried. Then I was surprised at myself. Because I’d never experienced this before! However, I’m not sad as I cry. Not lonely either. Rather, I feel even refreshed.
I wonder why?
Certainly, Asako’s “mai” is a dance of living “now”.
It is the “mai” of offering joy, of living now, its miracle and appreciation of it.
Asako’s “mai” reminds me that living itself is a pleasure.
Therefore, I may cry for joy.
Thank you, Asako.
I am grateful for our encounter.
May many more people meet Asako and let her “mai” get to each of them!
It’s been a joy in my life to watch Amrita Asako dance . She is a true international goddess of dance. From her native japan to the outreaches of Africa she has dedicated her life to bringing people together in harmony and gratitude through spiritual dance . She is also very diverse in dance styles and can dance as a soft and gentle goddess to a fast rock and roll style ….. she is truly more talented than she knows…..
アムリッタ 朝子の舞を見ることは私の人生の喜びとなっています。彼女は正真正銘の国際的な舞の女神です。母国日本からアフリカに手を差し伸べながら彼女はスピリチュアルな舞を通して人々を調和と感謝で結びつけることに人生を捧げてきました。彼女の舞のスタイルは、柔らかく優しい女神の舞から速いロックンロールスタイルまで多岐にわたっており、彼女が知っている以上に真に才能に恵まれているのです。
It may be expressed as the advent of a goddess. At the moment she appeared on the stage and music was played, the air of the venue lively with people’s buzz was instantly wrapped by the silence and covered with a comfortable tension.
Along with the flow of music, the vibration of her mellow and elegant movement trembles minutely as if even the sound of breathing can be heard.
Every single move made me feel like I shouldn’t overlook everything.
By then, I was already invited by a mysterious feeling connecting murmur of the universe and undulation of the earth.
Anyway, I can’t take my eyes off the goddess Asako Amrita.
Wind blows down
as if listening to the sound of sea waves,
as if looking up at the starry sky,
like the trees sway.
I lose my sense of time and my existence and feel as if I were traveling in the desert. Am I looking at the mirage?
I’m back to reality when music ends quietly.
I found the whole venue quivered with the wave of excitement gloriously.
An even greater miracle occurred.
It seems that the Saint, Amma was clapping her hands from the stage!
I felt her “mai” impressed the viewers as if they were in resonance with the universe and could connect each one with a hot orb.
However, I feel that expression of passionate is a little different.
I also wonder there is no one who knows the world of Japanese tranquility like her. It is absolutely a fusion of static and dynamic, water and fire.
Opening the sacred door through “mai”.
I feel it is the first step in each one’s spiritual journey.
木々が揺らぐ様に そこには風が降り立つ